Erin Baldwin (she/her)

is a writer from Jersey City, NJ. Her interests change often, but a few recent rabbit holes have been 3D printing, becoming a World Series of Poker champion, and making bracelets that say "Erin Baldwin Fan Club" (then giving them to people who do not want them). She can recite every line of every episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996-2003) and probably will.

Erin Baldwin (she/her)

is a free-range, ethically sourced human person. She is on a quest to be the most interesting being on the face of the planet. In pursuit of this goal, she has been to 21 different countries, lived in 6 different states, and is attempting to learn the fiddle. Presently, she is eating fig bars and goldfish crackers to see if they taste gross together. (Yes.)

A woman (Erin Baldwin) sits in a field, leaning back on one hand. She's smiling at the camera. Her hair is pink and she's wearing a white button-down shirt and tan pants.

Erin Baldwin (she/her)

has been a florist, a server, a rock climbing instructor, a rare books archivist and restorer, a ropes course supervisor, an aid worker at a Syrian refugee camp, a cashier at a smoke shop, a med/surg tele travel nurse, a private-duty RN, and a writer. She currently lives in Colorado with her two cats who prefer not to be shackled by things like names, rules, or standard mealtimes.

Erin Baldwin (she/her)

is lying awake in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the time she told a pre-k classmate that she could color a hand turkey with her eyes closed. When she submitted it to the teacher, they held it up and said, “Class, this is an example of how NOT to color a turkey.” And other embarrassing moments .